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Connecting Blues is a revolutionary platform that connects Democrats–especially those in Red States–to each other and the causes that matter most to them. By providing marketing tools, research, resources, and training, Connecting Blues takes disconnected–and often isolated–volunteers and transforms them into powerful, well-equipped Democratic leaders.

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I am not a unicorn I am a Dem in a red state tote
I am not a unicorn, I am a Red State Democrat! tote bag
Not a unicorn a red state Dem blue shirt
I am not a unicorn, I am a Red State Democrat! T shirt

Join the Movement
Connecting Blues is open to all Democrats committed to the values of justice, equality, and opportunity for all. Membership turns volunteers into well-equipped and motivated organizers capable of leading Democratic efforts locally and across the state.

Members get access to professional flyers, newsletters, posters, infographics, and other resources to customize and share in their communities and across their social media platforms.

Find your favorite Democratic posters, shirts, brochures, stickers, and swag in the shop. 10% of all profits are donated to progressive causes.


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